Friday, January 11, 2008

Quote of the Day: John Muir and Nature

In every walk with nature one receives
far more than he seeks.

-John Muir (1838-1914), writer, conservationist and founder of the Sierra Club.


Anonymous said...

Hey Veronica !

This is so true ! And I wish children of big cities could realize that parks and trees represent so much more than public spaces and equipments...

A few more quotes that I like :

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
~Lao Tzu

I've made an odd discovery. Every time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility. Yet when I talk with my gardener, I'm convinced of the opposite. ~Bertrand Russell

g said...

and here I was worried you hadn't kept your new year's resolution.
do you think it's ever justified to take away a son from a mother? I don't know, but I'm completely enamored with this baby polar bear.